According to Variety, though most productions have been shut down amongst the entertainment industry, ‘Warhunt’ continued filming in Riga, capital of Latvia. The country had been on the brink of closing its borders due to health concerns rising throughout the globe, so Rourke’s shooting schedule got rearranged and he ended up flying into the country much earlier than planned to beat the closure. The cast and crew continued shooting, but had to not only rearrange shoot days, but also had to readjust setup to abide by strict government guidelines while filming. Everyone had to wear face masks and gloves, have their temperature taken twice a day, practice social distancing, and consistently disinfect equipment.
According to producer of the film, Yu-Fai Suen, he shared with Variety that the additional procedures on set rapidly became the norm. The film’s crew had to even get a bit creative with some changes, Suen gives the example of one of the makeup procedures that were adjusted. Not only did the makeup artists have to wear masks while applying makeup, but “each actor had a dedicated kit so makeup artists used only the same brushes, makeup etc. on the same actor.” Suen was even granted permission by the Latvian government to continue filming productions as long as he continues to follow under the same guidelines. ‘Warhunt’ is the first movie that has been able to wrap during the Covid-19 crisis. The upcoming film is a fantasy horror war movie about a group of American soldiers during World War II, who find themselves confronted by a coven of witches. Leave your thoughts on WARHUNT: Mickey Rourke’s Horror Film Wraps After Filming During Covid-19 Pandemic below in the comments section. Readers seeking to support this type of content can visit our Patreon Page and become one of FilmBook’s patrons. Readers seeking more box office news can visit our Movie News Page, our Movie News Twitter Page, and our Movie News Pinterest Page. Want up-to-the-minute notifications? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.