AMC‘s The Walking Dead Here’s Not Here Review. Walking With The Dead: The Walking Dead Podcast: Season 6, Episode 4: Here’s Not Here is an audio podcast review in which FilmBook contributor Steven Bueno and his team (Kristian Cabrera, Joshua Grijalva and Cornell Montgomery) analyze and discuss their thoughts about the latest episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead: Season 6, Episode 4: Here’s Not Here‘s plot synopsis (spoilers): “In Alexandria’s makeshift prison cell, Morgan visits the Wolf that he took prisoner and recalls the man once saying he wanted to take everything that Morgan had. “Well, here it is,” Morgan says, launching into his story. “Every last bit.”Now homeless, Morgan hunts walkers in the woods and burns their bodies at his campground. He sharpens long sticks and builds a stockade around the camp.Morgan recreates his King County bunker at the campground, using walker blood to scrawl messages on the surrounding rocks and trees. “Clear,” reads one; “Here’s Not Here,” another.While hunting, Morgan follows the sound of a bleating goat and discovers a secluded log cabin. A man orders him to put his gun down. Morgan ignores the warning and stalks after the man, who ambushes Morgan and knocks him unconscious with a staff.Morgan wakes up in a cell inside the cabin. “Kill me,” he begs. The man introduces himself as Eastman and hands Morgan a book, “The Art of Peace.” Morgan watches Eastman run outside to kill a walker with his staff and then drag its body into the woods.As days pass, Morgan remains in his cell, ranting and mumbling to himself. He watches Eastman practice martial arts with his staff outside.Eastman finally speaks to Morgan and explains that he used to be a forensic psychiatrist. He asks what Morgan did before the fall, and what he does now. “I clear,” Morgan replies. “Walkers, people, anything that gets anywhere near me, I kill them.”Morgan opens the door and charges at Eastman. As they struggle, they knock into a piece of drywall with a child’s artwork that’s hanging from the wall, breaking it in two. Furious, Eastman picks up the broken artwork and leaves. Morgan returns to the cell.That night, Eastman explains that he used Aikido to defeat Morgan. He shows Morgan a rabbit’s foot and says he received a flyer for the martial art the day after his daughter gave him the rabbit’s foot.The next morning, Eastman asks Morgan to watch Tabitha while he goes out to scavenge. In his cell, Morgan opens “The Art of Peace.” On the first page is a handwritten note, stating that a goal of Aikido is to “completely avoid killing, even the most evil person.”Morgan also continues his studies of “The Art of Peace.”Over dinner, Morgan asks why Eastman has a cell in his cabin. Eastman tells him he once interviewed a convicted killer named Crighton Dallas Wilton, whom he recognized as a true psychopath. Eastman recommended against his parole. Wilton escaped, killed Eastman’s family and then turned himself into the police. Eastman says he built the cell with the intention of kidnapping Wilton and starving him to death. “Did you?” Morgan asks. “I have come to believe that all life is precious,” Eastman replies.A walker approaches the campground. Morgan readies his staff but freezes when he realizes the walker is the man he choked to death. Eastman pushes the paralyzed Morgan out of the way and kills the walker, but is bitten in the process. “That wasn’t for you to do!” Morgan screams, attacking Eastman. Eastman fends off Morgan’s attack.Morgan remains at the campground and reverts to his old ways, whittling spears and hunting walkers in the woods. He kills a walker and discovers that he’s saved a young couple. Morgan moves to attack them next, but the woman slowly offers a can of food and a bullet, thanking him, and then backs away with her companion.Morgan allows the couple to leave, then he runs back to Eastman’s cabin, where he finds a walker eating Tabitha. He somberly kills the goat and wheels the bodies to the graveyard, where Eastman is digging. Morgan spots a grave marker for Crighton Dallas Wilton. Eastman admits that he abducted Wilton from prison and starved him to death. “What I did to him, it didn’t give me any peace,” he says.Back in the present, Morgan concludes his tale, suggesting the Wolf can be saved, just like he was. The Wolf shows Morgan a deep cut in his torso and predicts that he will die. “But if I don’t, I am going to have to kill you, Morgan,” he says. “I’m going to have to kill every person here.” Morgan leaves, locking the door on his way out.Then out on the street, Morgan hears Rick screaming to open the gates.“


The Walking Dead: Season 6, Episode 4: Here’s Not Here starred  Lennie James and John Carroll Lynch plus a goat. Listen to The Walking Dead: Season 6, Episode 4: Here’s Not Here audio review below and leave your thoughts below in the comments section. For more The Walking Dead photos, videos, and information, visit our The Walking Dead Page, subscribe to us by Email, “follow” us on Twitter, Tumblr, or “like” us on Facebook.

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