Wakanda TV Series Coming from Director Ryan Coogler

Disney+ is not slowing down with its original content, green-lighting a TV series based on the fictional nation of Wakanda from the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Black Panther. The director of that film, Ryan Coogler, will be developing the TV series for Disney+, along with other television products, in a five year deal with Disney through his production company Proximity Media. Coogler had this to say about Proximity Media’s deal with The Walt Disney Company:


As the reader can see in Coogler’s official statement on the deal, the Wakanda show seems to be the first of many TV series that Proximity Media will create for The Walt Disney Company. On Wakanda (from the source material): The Wakanda TV series has no production start date or air date on Disney+ yet. Before the emergence of the Wakanda nation, mystic beings known as Originators were expelled from the region by the humans and the Orisha, the pantheon of Wakanda consisting of Thoth, Ptah, Mujaji, Kokou and Bast, the Panther Goddess. In the distant past, a massive meteorite made up of the element vibranium crashed in Wakanda. The meteorite was named Mena Ngai. It was unearthed a generation before the events of the present day. T’Challa, the current Black Panther, is the son of T’Chaka, the Black Panther before him and a descendant of Bashenga. Knowing that others would attempt to manipulate and dominate Wakanda for this rare and valuable resource, T’Chaka conceals his country from the outside world. He sells off minute amounts of the valuable vibranium while surreptitiously sending the country’s best scholars to study abroad, consequently turning Wakanda into one of the world’s most technologically advanced nations. Eventually, however, the explorer Ulysses Klaue finds his way to Wakanda and covers up his work on a vibranium-powered, sound-based weapon. When exposed, Klaue kills T’Chaka, only to see his “sound blaster” turned on him by a grieving teenaged T’Challa. Klaue’s right hand is destroyed, and he and his men flee. Wakanda has an unusually high rate of mutation due to the dangerously mutagenic properties of the Vibranium Mound. A large number of these Wakandan Mutates are working for Erik Killmonger. Vibranium radiation has permeated much of Wakanda’s flora and fauna, including the Heart-Shaped Herb eaten by members of the Black Panther Cult (although T’Challa once allowed a dying Spider-Man to eat it in the hope that it would help him deal with a mysterious illness) and the flesh of the White Gorilla eaten by the members of the White Gorilla Cult. Leave your thoughts on a Wakanda TV series below in the comments section. Readers seeking to support this type of content can visit our Patreon Page and become one of FilmBook’s patrons. Readers seeking more Disney+ news can visit our Disney+ Page, our Disney Twitter Page, and our Disney+ Facebook Page. Readers seeking more TV show news can visit our TV Show News Page, our TV Show News Twitter Page, and our TV Show News Facebook Page. Want up-to-the-minute notification? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, and Flipboard. This news was brought to our attention by Slashfilm.

WAKANDA TV Series Based in BLACK PANTHER s World is Being Created for Disney  by Ryan Coogler - 37