V (2009): Season 1, Ep.1: Pilot is the reboot or rebirth of the V television franchise. The first episode had The Vistiors showing up to earth and introducing themselves to its inhabitants. It turns out that The Visitors have been on Earth for decades and have infiltrated many facets of our society. Isn’t it strange that no Visitor, in the decades they have been on earth, has ever been in a accident or died suddenly and upon doctor’s examination or autopsy, was revealed to be non-human? The characters for V (2009), so far, are generic, with the exception of Erica Evans (Elizabeth Mitchell) and Father Jack Landry (Joel Gretsch). Unfortunately, the people behind the show were in too big of a hurry and spoiled many things in the first episode that could have been hinted at and alluded to throughout the first season. Hopefully, V (2009) has more surprises underneath its sleeve, for its own sake.


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