Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 2, Ep. 21 – Adam Raised a Cain was one of the best episodes of the season. REESE! The single head shot to the dome. Wow. Never saw that coming. I thought Derek Reese would be a permanent fixture on the show. Guess not. I really like how John Henry is evolving and how Savannah is becoming important to it. The scene inside Ms. Weaver’s home was very entertaining as was John Henry monitoring the Terminator situation from Zeira Corp. I think Ellison teaching John Henry to keep secrets is the wrong course of action. It is too bad he can not see that yet. The ending to Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 2, Ep. 21 – Adam Raised a Cain with John Henry singing a song Savannah’s father used to sing with her was a very telling moment as was when Cameron practiced ballet at the end of an episode in season one of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (couldn’t find the name of the episode but I posted the scene below). After the arrest, now everyone knows Sarah Connor is alive and it seems from the previews that John and Cameron are going to stage a break out. Who thinks Cameron will kill police officers like in the original Terminator film? What did you think of Adam Raised a Cain? [youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joehK-w2bCc 500 430]


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TV Review  Terminator  The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 2  Ep  21   Adam Raised a Cain - 82