Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Season 2 Ep. 19: Last Voyage of the Jimmy Carter was one of he best episodes of the season. Simply not knowing what was in the box and its contents ripped the crew of the Jimmy Carter apart. Jesse should never have told the crew she did not know the contents of the box. Whenever a Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles episode is future based, it has a higher entertainment value than present day episode. You want to see that future world and how the war is going. It was cool seeing a black terminator, Queeg (Chad Coleman) with a role to play in an episode as well. When the crew turned on Jesse and started beating the crap out of her on top of a mess table and Queeg broke it up and smashed the instigator’s head against the wall was one of the highlights of the episode. I almost thought the captain and Queeg were friends (as much as human and a Terminator can be friends) after he came to her rescue. I thought they had bonded in some way. I was wrong.
Another highlight was with Cameron and Jesse in future. If Jesse had just followed orders and not questioned them, the resistance would still have the nuclear sub Jimmy Carter, a scrubbed T-888 (Queeg), and the aid of a T-1000. Because of her they lost all three. And then there was the nail in the coffin for Jesse’s hatred for metal, what she lost because of everything that happened underneath the ocean. What did you think of the episode? Who thinks Reese killed Jesse and who thinks he let her go? If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to us by Email or Full RSS Feed to be informed when we post new ones.