Here is a little DVD gem very few people know about who are fans of Robocop and even fewer who are not. Why do so few people know about it you ask? Because it was only shown in the United States on the Sci-Fi Channel once or twice to my knowledge and then never shown again. They showed one two-hour episode then an encore that same night.


After all the episodes (Crash and Burn, Dark Justice, Resurrection, Meltdown) were shown that was it and then they appeared on DVD, each episode sold separately. Why should you bother seeking them out? That’s simple. They are badass. Rated-R badass. They are better than Robocop 2 and 3. I read about half of Frank Miller’s Robocop, which he turned into a comic book after it was rejected for the Robocop 3 script. Prime Directives is better than that as well. Prime Directives is on par with Robocop vs. Terminator but exceeds it in many areas, foremost being that the story is grounded in Alex Murphy. Prime Directives starts 10 years after the events in Robocop 3. Delta City has been built and Robocop has virtually wiped out crime in the city. His armor is worn, slightly rusted and dented (plus it’s the same armor from the first movie, a plus for fans). We meet Murphy’s partner before he came to Detroit and find out what became of his family after he became Robocop. Prime Directives is just as violent as the original Robocop with humor spliced in via new casts, commercials, et cetera. Robocop and the other characters are given room to grow across Directives’ total 8-hour runtime. And then there is Bone Machine. “You’ve been Boned baby.” Trust me, if you do not want to buy it, at least rent it, see it and judge for yourself. For more info, click here.

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