Californication: Season 3, Ep. 1: Wish You were Here begins with slumber. I can not believe Hank (David Duchovny) fell asleep in “the temple” of Kristine (Kristine Blackport) during coitus, to her incredulous surprise. Being a single dad most truly be an energy draining, drastically so. Seeing him trying to talk himself out of that jam using his verbose descriptive skills should not have been as cool as it was, considering all of the on-screen nakedness, but it was. Hank later runs a guy off the road, Dean Stacy Koons (Peter Gallagher), then Dean Koons turns up at the head of a dinner party he attends. Hilarious. Love Californication. I hope this season is as good as the last two. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to us by Email or Full RSS Feed to be informed when we post new ones.

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