The Walking Dead is Ending After Season 11 and New Spin-off Announced
AMC‘s The Walking Dead is ending after Season 11. Season 11 will be an abnormal season in its length. Season 11 will be twenty-four episodes long (why not split them up into two twelve episode-long seasons – Seasons 11 and 12) and they will begin airing in Fall 2021. If it unclear at this point if the aforementioned split will be employed or some other type of presentation will be employed.
This won’t be the end of the Walking universe. Far from it. After the original The Walking Dead: Season 10 season finale airs on October 4, 2020, followed by the series premiere of The Walking Dead: World Beyond on the same evening. Fear the Walking Dead: Season 6 will begin on October 11, 2020. Ten additional episodes for Season 10 will be filmed in 2020 and will air in 2021 ahead of the Season 11 premiere. When the main The Walking Dead TV series ends, Here is my question regarding the announcement of a Daryl/Carol spinoff TV show – why reveal that they survive now? By doing so, the viewer automatically knows they are going to survive all of the perilous situations they find themselves in between now, up to and including the main series’ finale. Why give that away? Why lower the suspense? A The Walking Dead film starring Andrew Lincoln is still in development at Universal Pictures. No release date, if produced and filmed, has been revealed for the film. Because of all of these The Walking Dead projects, The Walking Dead will not be leaving the TV airways anytime soon. The Walking Dead Chief Content Officer Scott Gimple reiterated this fact in his statement: Leave your thoughts on The Walking Dead ending and the new spin-off that has been announced below in the comments section. Readers seeking to support this type of content can visit our Patreon Page and become one of FilmBook’s patrons. Readers seeking more TV show news can visit our TV Show News Page, our TV Show News Twitter Page, and our TV Show News Facebook Page. Readers seeking more The Walking Dead news can visit our The Walking Dead Page, our The Walking Dead Twitter Page, and our The Walking Dead Facebook Page. Want up-to-the-minute notification? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Flipboard.