CW‘s The Flash Welcome to Earth-2 Review. The Flashcast: The Flash Podcast: Season 2, Episode 13: Welcome to Earth-2 is an audio podcast review in which FilmBook contributor Steven Bueno and Kristian Cabrera (from The League of Ordinary Gentlemen) analyze and discuss their thoughts or predictions about the latest episode of CW’s The Flash. The Flash: Season 2 Episode 13: Welcome to Earth-2‘s plot synopsis (spoilers):”Before heading to Earth-2, Barry closes all but one of the breaches so that Zoom has no other way to travel between the parallel Earths. Using the last breach at S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry, Cisco, and Dr. Wells travel to Earth-2, but there is a surge of energy that destabilizes the breach. The trio will be stuck in Earth-2 until Caitlin and Jay can fix the speed cannon. Barry decides to impersonate his Earth-2 self to get more information on Zoom. He later meets Iris and Joe of Earth-2 and learns that Iris works for the CCPD, while Joe is a singer at a jazz bar. Barry is attacked by Earth-2’s Caitlin and Ronnie Raymond, known here as Killer Frost and Deathstorm, agents of Zoom. In the attack, Joe is killed. Cisco attempts to help the police stop the pair, but is confronted by his own evil doppelganger, “Reverb.” Cisco discovers Reverb has great power, including control over nervous systems, and is amazed. Barry tries to rescue him, but is stopped by Reverb and Deathstorm. Zoom arrives, kills Reverb and Deathstorm for harming the Flash, and then imprisons Barry alongside Jesse. Meanwhile, Jay reveals to Caitlin that he invented Velocity-6 on his Earth and that it is the real reason why he lost his speed and is dying.”
The Flash: Season 2 Episode 13: Welcome to Earth-2 starred Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Jesse L. Martin,and Victor Garber
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