Table of Contents Rubikon TrailerCrewRubikon PostersPlot SynopsisRubikon Trailer

Rubikon Trailer

Leni Lauritsch‘s Rubikon (2022) movie trailer has been released by IFC Midnight. The Rubikon trailer stars Julia Franz Richter, George Blagden, and Mark Ivanir.


Jessica Lind and Leni Lauritsch wrote the screenplay for Rubikon. Daniel Helmer and Wolf-Maximilian Liebich created the music for the film. Xiaosu Han and Andreas Thalhammer crafted the cinematography for the film.


Rubikon Posters

Rubikon Poster 1

Rubikon Poster 2

Plot Synopsis

Rubikon‘s plot synopsis: “2056. A toxic cloud of pollution has swallowed the earth, killing untold numbers. The world’s nations have dissolved, with all power now left in the hands of a few giant corporations. The rich retreat to sealed biodomes while the poor choke and starve. On the space station Rubikon, Hannah (Julia Franz Richter), Gavin (George Blagden), and Dimitri (Mark Ivanir) weigh the fate of the planet’s survivors. Should these crewmembers risk their own lives on a rescue mission to the surface, or ignore the old world to build a new one of safety and solitude, living off the station’s sophisticated algae symbiosis system? Against the vast canvas of the cosmos, three people with different worldviews debate their moral responsibility to the species, all while grappling with the timely agony of isolation.” Watch the Rubikon Trailer. Leave your thoughts on it below in the comments section. Readers seeking to support this type of content can visit our Patreon Page and become one of FilmBook’s patrons. Readers seeking more movie trailers can visit our Movie Trailer Page, our Movie Trailer Twitter Page, and our Movie Trailer Facebook Page. Rubikon will be released in U.S. theaters and VOD through IFC Midnight on July 1, 2022. Want up-to-the-minute notifications? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, and Flipboard.

Rubikon Trailer

RUBIKON  2022  Movie Trailer  Three Astronauts Above Fatally polluted Earth Face a Moral Dilemma - 13RUBIKON  2022  Movie Trailer  Three Astronauts Above Fatally polluted Earth Face a Moral Dilemma - 91RUBIKON  2022  Movie Trailer  Three Astronauts Above Fatally polluted Earth Face a Moral Dilemma - 72