Mission: Impossible 7-8 no longer filming back-to-back
As Mission: Impossible 7 nears completion after a remarkable globetrotting pandemic-era shoot, the plan to shoot the franchise’s eighth edition back-to-back has been altered by Paramount. This is simply down to the shifting release calendar. Star Tom Cruise will now be needed on promotional duties by Paramount for Top Gun: Maverick ahead of that film’s planned release on July 2 of this year, and will be unavailable for a period. Once that film has been released – hopefully to packed cinemas in a post-Covid world – production on MI: 8 can begin, meaning the gap shouldn’t make too much of an impact.
Production on the seventh “Mission: Impossible” film was supposed to commence last February but was postponed due to the pandemic. Despite stories in the UK tabloids this weekend claiming Mission: Impossible 7 had been disrupted by pandemic-related travel issues, director Christopher McQuarrie posted on Instagram on Sunday that the team have now wrapped a successful shoot in the Middle East and are traveling back to London to apply a few “finishing touches” to the picture. Last December, Cruise, who is a producer on the franchise in addition to its star, was famously caught on tape erupting at Mission: Impossible 7 crew members in London to follow COVID safety protocols. He said that the work they’re doing is “the gold standard” that the rest of the industry is basing its safety protocols on and threatened to fire anyone breaking protocol again. Mission: Impossible 7 is on the calendar for November 19, 2021 and looks to be on track – a notable achievement considering the challenges with any film production, let alone one of this scale, right now, due to the Covid pandemic. Mission: Impossible 8 remains dated for Nov 4, 2022. It’s unclear when production is expected to resume on Mission: Impossible 8 or if the release date will have to be pushed back, but it’s expected that it can begin after Mission: Impossible 7 has hit theaters. Leave your thoughts on the Mission Impossible 8 production delay below in the comments. Readers seeking to support this type of content can visit our Patreon Page and become one of FilmBook’s patrons. Readers seeking more movie news can visit our Movie News Page, our Movie News Facebook Page, and our Movie News Twitter Page. Want up-to-the-minute notification? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Flipboard. This news was brought to our attention by Deadline.