Halle Berry Has New Film Deal with Streaming Giant

Halle Berry has set a deal with Netflix to star in as well as produce movies after her recent acclaimed film, Bruised. Academy Award winner Halle Berry is again earning tremendous Oscar buzz for her role in the just released on Netflix movie, Bruised. Berry also directed the critically applauded movie which has quietly put Berry in the running for another Oscar trophy. She previously won the award about 20 years ago for her role in Monster’s Ball. Now, she has secured a deal with Netflix to star in and produce more content for the streaming service.


Berry is an actress of tremendous versatility from her work in the 1990’s in films such as Bulworth to her Oscar-winning role to her more mainstream fare such as her work in the James Bond film, Die Another Day or her performances in the X-Men pictures. It’s only appropriate that this kind of talent gets rewarded by allowing audiences to see more of this gifted artist’s work. Bruised was Netflix’s number one movie upon its release and if Berry secures an Oscar nod, it’s bound to get even more watchers. In Bruised, Berry gave herself the role of a lifetime playing an MMA fighter named Jackie Justice. Fans have taken well to her new performance and critics, especially, have declared her a front runner in one of the tightest Best Actress races of all-time. Berry is “grateful” for her partnership with Netflix, according to sources, and looks forward to weaving more stories for the streamer through acting in films and/or producing them. Berry hasn’t been resting on her laurels after the great turn she gave in Bruised. Berry also will soon be seen in two other upcoming Netflix films: The Mothership and Our Man From Jersey. In the latter pic, she is cast opposite Oscar-nominated actor Mark Wahlberg. Berry is also featured in director Roland Emmerich’s Moonfall, a theatrical release slated for February 2022. It’s easy to remember Berry’s appearances on Oprah Winfrey’s talk shows about her earlier film roles many years ago and it’s great to see that even after so many years have passed, Berry has kept the momentum going in her fabulous career. Like her tough-as-nails character in Bruised, Berry has had just as many downs in her career as she has had ups (anybody remember Catwoman with its current 9% Rotten Tomatoes approval rating?) but she’s on a winning streak lately and this deal from Netflix is only the beginning of what is to come for the acclaimed actress. In the meantime, keep your eyes out for some potential nominations for Berry’s performance in Bruised which is currently streaming on Netflix. Leave your thoughts on Halle Berry’s Movie Deal with Netflix below in the comments section. Readers seeking to support this type of content can visit our Patreon Page and become one of FilmBook’s patrons. Readers seeking more movie news can visit our Movie News Page, our Movie News Twitter Page, and our Movie News Facebook Page. Want up-to-the-minute notifications? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Flipboard. This news was brought to our attention by Deadline.

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