Sarah Polley in Negotiations to Helm Bambi Remake
Sarah Polley is in talks to direct yet another live-action Disney remake based on a popular cartoon, Bambi. When Sarah Polley won the Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar earlier this year, Hollywood certainly took notice. Now, the super talented actress/writer/director will possibly be taking on the live-action version of the hit 1942 animated Disney picture, Bambi. This beloved children’s film made a terrific $39 million back in the summer of 1988’s theatrical re-release. After the success of Disney’s current live-action gem, The Little Mermaid, all eyes are on a new Bambi, especially if Polley will be making the project.
Bambi follows the cute fawn referred to in the film’s title who associates with friends such as a rabbit named Thumper and a skunk named Flower. The 1942 picture has gone down in history as a tear-jerker because of the elements integrated into the plot in which Bambi’s mom dies. While today’s audiences could probably handle it a little better than the old school movie-going crowd (especially under Polley’s sensitive guidance), it is almost certain that the live-action movie will be quite moving, not to mention enormously entertaining, if the acclaimed filmmaker gets the job. While a Bambi project has been in the works for years now, the news of Polley’s potential involvement has greatly attracted audiences to the prospect of seeing the cute fawn back on the big screen. Live-action is where the box-office dollars are for Disney these days because such films attract mainstream audiences in droves. While animated movies may persuade some adults to stay clear, no such rules apply to live-action. That’s because these movies fit the definition of a “family” film whereas animated movies seem to be more kid-friendly. Again, Guillermo del Toro debunked “the animated movie is only for kids” theory with his Oscar-winning Pinocchio picture. Still, del Toro’s movie simply went to Netflix while The Little Mermaid has already amassed over $232 million in domestic box-office tickets sales in just a few weeks. While both films were different types of movies, it is feel good live-action that draws the biggest box-office dollars these days. Another animated Pinocchio was released by Disney last year and faltered suggesting Disney may have been better off going with live-action on that one. Sarah Polley is a director of the highest caliber. She made Away from Her in 2006 which stands with a 94% Rotten Tomatoes approval rating. All bets were off when she directed Women Talking last year which was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar. Though Away from Her only made $4 million domestically and Women Talking did just $5 million, Polley’s artistic integrity is very delicate and fascinating which means she would be the perfect person to drive a live-action Bambi home as a live-action box-office hit. All you need to know is that Polley’s work is full of heart and craftsmanship which is just what Disney live-action movies could use to, perhaps, get some Oscar-nominations. Hopefully, this time, Polley won’t be snubbed for Best Director like she was for Women Talking. Leave your thoughts on Sarah Polley being tapped as a contender to direct a live-action Bambi below in the comments section. Readers seeking to support this type of content can visit our Patreon Page and become one of FilmBook’s patrons. Readers seeking more movie news can visit our Movie News Page, our Movie News Twitter Page, and our Movie News Facebook Page. Want up-to-the-minute notifications? FilmBook staff members publish articles by Email, Feedly, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, Telegram, Mastodon, and Flipboard. This news was brought to our attention by MovieWeb.